new year. same old me. new calendar. same old routine. new month. same old disappointment. well, what we can expect from this brand new year? ive been wondering. whats the point of new resolution? nothing has change. oh wait, maybe im the one who need to change it. but there's me. sittin. and done nothing.
so my new year resolution is, to find who and what im capable of. whether i can exceed the limit of my own body. whether i can resist all the hesitation and doubt. whether i can decide instead of suicide. whether i can kill the paronoia feeling that wreathing my soul.
2012, nothing much can i ask from you. just let me live my life. goodbye halcyon day.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
couple. whats couple? haha that was rhetorical question. imma write about relationship today. even im not in relationship, i have experience. powered by experience, wise men said.
so in a relationship, its two way relation. not just one, okay thats pretty obvious. but sometimes in a relationship, one sides always being such a selfish. means, they think only about theirselves without considering their partner feelings. "ohh, you never appreciate me. your friends is more important than me." like come on, you want your partner pay attention to you and only you? selfish much? tolerance. be tolerate to each other. girls. sometimes they're overreacting, exaggerating. same goes to men. well, depends whether you're among men or boys. real man know how to manage his partner well, atleast they've tried their best. and boys.. if their girls complain, they'll complain too. so whats the point?
go figure. whether you're good partner or you're just selfish. a bit tolerance wont hurts innit? sometimes men depressed with their partner, because they're GUY. tak suka kot masalah kecik diperbesarkan, semua benda nak emo or merajuk. even the sweetest sweet talker cant handle a selfish girl. yeah yeah, same goes to guy also. jangan bila gf suka merajuk korang dah start usha awek lain. jadikan alasan nak curang. be loyal will you? dont use that as an excuse to cheat on your partner. be a real gentleman.
but thats only my opinion and thought. i've through a relationshit too, so i knew. i cant stand when girls being too emotional for nothing. i dont know. annoying. to me. maybe i dont love her. yes, i never in love with my partner. i just like them. so i couldnt care less, and never mention about forever. ew. i just ew-ed at forever in teenage love. thats all for today. thanks for reading dear my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon day.
so in a relationship, its two way relation. not just one, okay thats pretty obvious. but sometimes in a relationship, one sides always being such a selfish. means, they think only about theirselves without considering their partner feelings. "ohh, you never appreciate me. your friends is more important than me." like come on, you want your partner pay attention to you and only you? selfish much? tolerance. be tolerate to each other. girls. sometimes they're overreacting, exaggerating. same goes to men. well, depends whether you're among men or boys. real man know how to manage his partner well, atleast they've tried their best. and boys.. if their girls complain, they'll complain too. so whats the point?
go figure. whether you're good partner or you're just selfish. a bit tolerance wont hurts innit? sometimes men depressed with their partner, because they're GUY. tak suka kot masalah kecik diperbesarkan, semua benda nak emo or merajuk. even the sweetest sweet talker cant handle a selfish girl. yeah yeah, same goes to guy also. jangan bila gf suka merajuk korang dah start usha awek lain. jadikan alasan nak curang. be loyal will you? dont use that as an excuse to cheat on your partner. be a real gentleman.
but thats only my opinion and thought. i've through a relationshit too, so i knew. i cant stand when girls being too emotional for nothing. i dont know. annoying. to me. maybe i dont love her. yes, i never in love with my partner. i just like them. so i couldnt care less, and never mention about forever. ew. i just ew-ed at forever in teenage love. thats all for today. thanks for reading dear my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon day.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
dilemma. dilemma in making a decision. its really hard, though. one of the hardest thing to do, is to decide. and its getting worse when you're in dilemma. stuck in between. im just like another typical reckless and clueless teenagers. im having a dilemma in life.
im confused with my own life, im confused with what i want and what i need; or really need. even the smartest person have his own dilemma. love. im not in love. i've no passion to anyone. to anyone. i adore women beauty. i adore her. fall for them. fall for their beauty. but beauty will fade, someday maybe. and now im in dilemma whether i like her or i love her. whether she's pretty because i like her or i like her because she's pretty. whether i like her or her. she made me smile, so many times. she made me cry, cry inside. as a guy, i cant cry outside. hmm, bad metaphor maybe. sorry. who's she? maybe she's my Jenny. as i realize, she's not even mine. not even close. nope.
friends. i have this one bestfriend. or maybe ex-bestfriend. she's a girl. i never met her. never see her face. but as she consider me as her bestfriend, i consider her as my bestfriend too. i love to befriend to anyone. not everyone. but recently she said i've changed. i dont know. maybe. maybe yes, maybe no. the possibility of infinity in term of maybe. she's a girl, so she's sensitive. too sensitive. she's young. i think thats why. again, in term of maybe. or maybe its my ego. but i've apologize. maybe words is not enough? then what should i do? whats my mistake? i dont know. let time decide.
alter ego. i've my own alter ego. but i dont know which part of me is my alter ego. maybe none. i think i've split personality. or its just a symptom of hypocrisy. i dont know. the best answer of everything is I DONT KNOW. stop asking me. i dont know. i dont know what to do. thats why i said im in dilemma. its because I DONT KNOW. maybe its not alter ego, maybe. confused. whatever it is, its ruining my life. maybe it was meant that way. goodbye halcyon day.
im confused with my own life, im confused with what i want and what i need; or really need. even the smartest person have his own dilemma. love. im not in love. i've no passion to anyone. to anyone. i adore women beauty. i adore her. fall for them. fall for their beauty. but beauty will fade, someday maybe. and now im in dilemma whether i like her or i love her. whether she's pretty because i like her or i like her because she's pretty. whether i like her or her. she made me smile, so many times. she made me cry, cry inside. as a guy, i cant cry outside. hmm, bad metaphor maybe. sorry. who's she? maybe she's my Jenny. as i realize, she's not even mine. not even close. nope.
friends. i have this one bestfriend. or maybe ex-bestfriend. she's a girl. i never met her. never see her face. but as she consider me as her bestfriend, i consider her as my bestfriend too. i love to befriend to anyone. not everyone. but recently she said i've changed. i dont know. maybe. maybe yes, maybe no. the possibility of infinity in term of maybe. she's a girl, so she's sensitive. too sensitive. she's young. i think thats why. again, in term of maybe. or maybe its my ego. but i've apologize. maybe words is not enough? then what should i do? whats my mistake? i dont know. let time decide.
alter ego. i've my own alter ego. but i dont know which part of me is my alter ego. maybe none. i think i've split personality. or its just a symptom of hypocrisy. i dont know. the best answer of everything is I DONT KNOW. stop asking me. i dont know. i dont know what to do. thats why i said im in dilemma. its because I DONT KNOW. maybe its not alter ego, maybe. confused. whatever it is, its ruining my life. maybe it was meant that way. goodbye halcyon day.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
reality of life
may i swallow all the bitterness i've been through, and cherish all the sweetness i've never felt.
whats reality of life? life is not beautiful as my dream is. life is struggle. life is adventure. life is how we live it. pessimism wreathing my body, wondering whats life and how i should live it. i need a person to be true to me, to tell me whats life. no. maybe a person who makes my life complete. im living an incomplete life. my soul is empty, my body is dirty. dirty with all the sin i've commited. i've tried to express myself. i've tried to find whats the point of my life.
the loneliness. the feeling of being such a waste. useless. and then, i realize something. life is not dream. but life is way more better than dream. depends. depend on how we live our life. how we live our life? how i live my life? im living people expectation. i know. i know. expectation leads to disappointment. but what can i do if the person who expecting me is my own mom? i cant disappoint my mom. i cant. i wont. i wouldnt. but in the end, i'll disappoint her. my dad passed away six years ago. so now, i've no option. i live my mom expectation. thats how i live my life. thats reality of my life.
powered by experience. past, yesterday. today is a thrilling day, and tomorrow is never promised. future too. so whats bright future when tomorrow for us is never promised? so i've decide to be a realist. i'll never stop expecting. i'll never stop regretting. i'll never stop living, unless i die. when i die, i hope i'll left a mark in this world. a contribution. thats all. thanks for reading, dear my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon days.
Monday, 12 December 2011
super defensive muslim
super defensive muslim. what is this? its about muslim who's really protective when its comes about their religion, Islam. when people insult their religion, they went berserk all sudden. they felt offended. they think insulting Islam is really offensive and beyond their sensitivity. but my point is, whats their point?
do you think by insulting people who insult our religion is cool? is it called protective? defensive? no. its makes no differents at all. apa beza kau dengan orang yang menghina agama kau tu? kalau kau hina dia balik kau dapat pahala atas menegakkan Islam? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no. ianya menunjukkan kau langsung tiada beza dengan si penghina itu. dia hina Islam, kau hina dia. point? pointless. useless. brainless, maybe. bagai menuang petrol untuk memadam api yang marak.
sedangkan nabi pernah dicaci,dikeji dan diperlakukan dengan pelbagai perkara mampu bersabar. inikan pula dugaan kecil, baru hina Islam. its proven you're trolled. in other word, dipermainkan. berdepan dengan orang sebegini mudah sahaja, tengok sama ada dia mempunyai point atau tidak. pointless argument is pointless. jikalau niat dia hanya untuk menghina dan menfitnah, usahlah kau layan. tidak perlu rasa tercabar. tidak perlu rasa terhina. kononnya nak menegakkan Islam? "mana boleh doh, dia hina Islam." tidakkah kau terfikir bahawa hinaan terhadap agamamu itu berlaku sepanjang masa? lihatlah sekeliling. its pretty obvious. muslim kissing in public, its not an insult? muslim wear shawl with tight shirt, its not an insult? tell me now, where's your sensitivity and super defensive attitude? the irony and hypocrisy here.
memang agama itu harus dilindungi, tetapi dengan cara yang betul. apa gunanya kau suruh orang yang hina Islam tu pergi mati? siapa kau untuk kata dia telah menempah tiket ke neraka? adakah kau sendiri telah dijamin tempat di syurga? adakah kau cukup layak untuk hidup di dunia ini? so, please. dont be hypocrite. you're not that holy either. nak tegur, tegur dengan cara baik. ada sebabnya mereka berkata Islam itu indah, Islam itu harmoni. remember, if you want to do something; do it properly. violence cant solve anything. thats all for today, thanks for reading my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon days.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
tudung dan tak bertudung
tudung. hari ini saya memilih untuk mengulas(memberikan pendapat saya sendiri semata-mata) tentang tudung dan tak bertudung(free hair). terdapat banyak percanggahan dalam isu ini. lebih lebih lagi di kalangan remaja. apakah percanggahan tersebut?
masalah sebenarnya di sini adalah apabila ada di kalangan remaja mula mempersoalkan tentang tudung dan free hair ini. yang si pemakai tudung(segelintir) perli si free hair dan si free hair(segelintir) mengeluarkan kata kata seperti "harap je pakai tudung tapi perangai setan". di sinilah silapnya. kesilapan pertama: untuk mereka yang sudah menutup aurat, memang baik untuk mengajak orang lain ke arah kebaikan tapi bukan dengan cara memerli/merendah-rendah kan si free hair. kesilapan kedua: untuk golongan free hair, mereka harus tahu jangan membeza-bezakan berdasarkan pemakaian. maksudnya hanya kerana si dia memakai tudung dia haruslah bersifat seperti malaikat.
konsep. konsep pemikiran remaja kini sudah salah. tidak semestinya yang bertudung itu baik dan free hair itu jahat. akan tetapi, yang bertudung itu sudah jelas menunaikan salah satu kewajiban dalam agamanya. tetapi apa yang jelas kelihatan adalah dia menutup auratnya. kita tidak tahu sama ada dia menunaikan kewajiban lain. "sekurang-kurangnya" dia kelihatan baik di mata masyarakat. itulah namanya "judging a book by its cover". ya, bukan semua seperti itu tapi saya hanya cuba untuk menerangkan konsep yang saya maksudkan. bagi golongan free hair, bukan semuanya jahat. sejak bila pula tidak bertudung itu jahat? dia "cuma" tidak menunaikan salah satu kewajiban agamanya. mungkin dia menunaikan kewajiban yang lain seperti solat lima waktu dan berpuasa dan sebagainya.
baik. baik dari pandangan mata masyarakat tidak semestinya baik dari pandangan tuhan. jahat dari pandangan mata masyarakat tidak semestinya jahat dari pandangan tuhan. tidak lengkap amalan seseorang itu tanpa keikhlasan di hati. tidak lengkap solat itu jika rukuknya tidak sempurna.(hadis riwayat) seperti adanya mereka yang bertudung tidak menunaikan solat lima waktu, dan adanya mereka yang menunaikan solat lima waktu tidak bertudung. silapnya di sini adalah kamu melabel. hijabster,free hair, shawl-er. silap. kamu harus melihat setiap manusia itu sebagai manusia. kalau kamu melihat mereka semua sebagai manusia percanggahan ini tidak akan terjadi.
kata mereka, tiada alasan untuk tidak bertudung. seperti banyak dijumpai di blog lain. mereka kemukakan sebab munasabah dan tidak terlawan kenapa kamu harus bertudung. janganlah tutup minda kamu. aurat. aurat adalah cara paling mudah untuk membawa kamu ke syurga dan juga neraka. namun kamu semua lupa dan alpa. yang menentukan itu semua adalah tuhan. dia yang menentukan kedudukan kamu semua. bukannya manusia.
fesyen. terdapat pelbagai fesyen bertudung sekarang. namun harus diingati menutup aurat itu bukannya fesyen, tapi adalah kewajiban. bukan maksud saya ianya salah, tetapi kamu harus tahu etika sebenar menutup aurat. jangan kamu ingat menutup aurat itu hanya pada rambut. tiada istilah sekurang-sekurangnya dalam Islam. lakukan sesuatu perkara, lakukannya dengan sepenuh hati dan seikhlas niat diri. pemakaian yang seketat sehingga menampakkan susuk tubuh itu adalah salah, contoh. jadi janganlah kamu menghina golongan free hair jika cara kamu menutup aurat sendiri tidak sempurna. cara pendekatan untuk menasihati itu harus betul. dalam Islam tiada cara yang kasar. Islam itu indah, sentiasa melakukan sesuatu dengan lembut dan betul. sebab itu Islam diterima ramai. jangan sebab kamu, Islam dianggap konservatif. kolot. Islam itu tidak kolot, tetapi zaman yang semakin jahil. mungkin mereka belum menerima hidayah, mungkin pintu hati belum terbuka. kerana yang menentukan itu semua di kemudian hari adalah Allah SWT, bukannya manusia.
thats all for today, this is my opinion based on what i've learned and what i've read. and based on my observation. "mulia di pandangan masyarakat, tidak semestinya mulia di pandangan Allah" assalammualaikum. goodbye halcyon days.
masalah sebenarnya di sini adalah apabila ada di kalangan remaja mula mempersoalkan tentang tudung dan free hair ini. yang si pemakai tudung(segelintir) perli si free hair dan si free hair(segelintir) mengeluarkan kata kata seperti "harap je pakai tudung tapi perangai setan". di sinilah silapnya. kesilapan pertama: untuk mereka yang sudah menutup aurat, memang baik untuk mengajak orang lain ke arah kebaikan tapi bukan dengan cara memerli/merendah-rendah kan si free hair. kesilapan kedua: untuk golongan free hair, mereka harus tahu jangan membeza-bezakan berdasarkan pemakaian. maksudnya hanya kerana si dia memakai tudung dia haruslah bersifat seperti malaikat.
konsep. konsep pemikiran remaja kini sudah salah. tidak semestinya yang bertudung itu baik dan free hair itu jahat. akan tetapi, yang bertudung itu sudah jelas menunaikan salah satu kewajiban dalam agamanya. tetapi apa yang jelas kelihatan adalah dia menutup auratnya. kita tidak tahu sama ada dia menunaikan kewajiban lain. "sekurang-kurangnya" dia kelihatan baik di mata masyarakat. itulah namanya "judging a book by its cover". ya, bukan semua seperti itu tapi saya hanya cuba untuk menerangkan konsep yang saya maksudkan. bagi golongan free hair, bukan semuanya jahat. sejak bila pula tidak bertudung itu jahat? dia "cuma" tidak menunaikan salah satu kewajiban agamanya. mungkin dia menunaikan kewajiban yang lain seperti solat lima waktu dan berpuasa dan sebagainya.
baik. baik dari pandangan mata masyarakat tidak semestinya baik dari pandangan tuhan. jahat dari pandangan mata masyarakat tidak semestinya jahat dari pandangan tuhan. tidak lengkap amalan seseorang itu tanpa keikhlasan di hati. tidak lengkap solat itu jika rukuknya tidak sempurna.(hadis riwayat) seperti adanya mereka yang bertudung tidak menunaikan solat lima waktu, dan adanya mereka yang menunaikan solat lima waktu tidak bertudung. silapnya di sini adalah kamu melabel. hijabster,free hair, shawl-er. silap. kamu harus melihat setiap manusia itu sebagai manusia. kalau kamu melihat mereka semua sebagai manusia percanggahan ini tidak akan terjadi.
kata mereka, tiada alasan untuk tidak bertudung. seperti banyak dijumpai di blog lain. mereka kemukakan sebab munasabah dan tidak terlawan kenapa kamu harus bertudung. janganlah tutup minda kamu. aurat. aurat adalah cara paling mudah untuk membawa kamu ke syurga dan juga neraka. namun kamu semua lupa dan alpa. yang menentukan itu semua adalah tuhan. dia yang menentukan kedudukan kamu semua. bukannya manusia.
fesyen. terdapat pelbagai fesyen bertudung sekarang. namun harus diingati menutup aurat itu bukannya fesyen, tapi adalah kewajiban. bukan maksud saya ianya salah, tetapi kamu harus tahu etika sebenar menutup aurat. jangan kamu ingat menutup aurat itu hanya pada rambut. tiada istilah sekurang-sekurangnya dalam Islam. lakukan sesuatu perkara, lakukannya dengan sepenuh hati dan seikhlas niat diri. pemakaian yang seketat sehingga menampakkan susuk tubuh itu adalah salah, contoh. jadi janganlah kamu menghina golongan free hair jika cara kamu menutup aurat sendiri tidak sempurna. cara pendekatan untuk menasihati itu harus betul. dalam Islam tiada cara yang kasar. Islam itu indah, sentiasa melakukan sesuatu dengan lembut dan betul. sebab itu Islam diterima ramai. jangan sebab kamu, Islam dianggap konservatif. kolot. Islam itu tidak kolot, tetapi zaman yang semakin jahil. mungkin mereka belum menerima hidayah, mungkin pintu hati belum terbuka. kerana yang menentukan itu semua di kemudian hari adalah Allah SWT, bukannya manusia.
thats all for today, this is my opinion based on what i've learned and what i've read. and based on my observation. "mulia di pandangan masyarakat, tidak semestinya mulia di pandangan Allah" assalammualaikum. goodbye halcyon days.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
art of pleasing everyone
art of pleasing everyone. how actually can we please everyone? Hebert Bayard Swope once said "I cant give you a sure-fire formula for succes, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time." so tell me, can we please everyone? no, i dont think so and its pretty obvious. but all of us have tried. and failed.
in everything we do, there must be someone who's dislike it. if we dont, yes someone will dislike it too. same goes to me. i've tried to please everyone, my family, friends, even my enemy. but no, i failed horribly. some of my friends say i've changed. i dont know why, maybe they dont know the real me before. im just being me. yes i know, maybe im not the same anymore. from their eyes.
i've tried to calm my self down, telling myself they're my friends so they knows better. but i was wrong. they just want me to be me as they have seen before. im depressed, depressed by my own friends. im trying to live here, you know. why you dont ask me what happened? why dont you ask me why "i've changed"? i wont explain because you wont listen at the first place.
so here we go again, in the end i know i cant please everyone. and so are you. no matter what you did and what you didnt, someone will dislike it. im a human too, i have heart and i have feelings. try to understand first before you conclude things. but like me, sometimes i conclude things before i understand the situation too. but atleast, i dont mess with your life by saying this and that. thats why i abandon everyone. what kind of friends are you if all you trying to is to hurts my feeling?
nevermind, maybe they were right. but remember, you dont know what i have been through all this time, whats in my mind. whats in my head. what happened to me. and lets say if i tell you, will you understand? you're not in my shoes. you're not me. so you wont understand. i cant. i cant please everyone. thats all. goodbye halycon days.
in everything we do, there must be someone who's dislike it. if we dont, yes someone will dislike it too. same goes to me. i've tried to please everyone, my family, friends, even my enemy. but no, i failed horribly. some of my friends say i've changed. i dont know why, maybe they dont know the real me before. im just being me. yes i know, maybe im not the same anymore. from their eyes.
i've tried to calm my self down, telling myself they're my friends so they knows better. but i was wrong. they just want me to be me as they have seen before. im depressed, depressed by my own friends. im trying to live here, you know. why you dont ask me what happened? why dont you ask me why "i've changed"? i wont explain because you wont listen at the first place.
so here we go again, in the end i know i cant please everyone. and so are you. no matter what you did and what you didnt, someone will dislike it. im a human too, i have heart and i have feelings. try to understand first before you conclude things. but like me, sometimes i conclude things before i understand the situation too. but atleast, i dont mess with your life by saying this and that. thats why i abandon everyone. what kind of friends are you if all you trying to is to hurts my feeling?
nevermind, maybe they were right. but remember, you dont know what i have been through all this time, whats in my mind. whats in my head. what happened to me. and lets say if i tell you, will you understand? you're not in my shoes. you're not me. so you wont understand. i cant. i cant please everyone. thats all. goodbye halycon days.
teenagers love
love. what's love? everyone have their own definition and so do i. for me, love is when everything about your partner is your everything too. but kids these day define love as... "inb4 : yes im not an adult either since im not 21 and above but atleast i've reached my puberty and i can watch 18+ movie without lying about my age." so what's so cool about being in love and do you think you're actually in love? how actually do you know that you're in love? everyday your partner appear in your dream? or even you close your eyes you can see your partner face? you cant live without your partner? wait, is love about you and your partner?
if you have fall in love with someone, that's what we call love. but if your someone didnt return your love, now what we must call it? so love doesnt mean you and your partner. love is feelings glowing inside your heart. love is something you cant define with words. love is more than words.
but you, i mean you didnt even graduate your school and you admit that you're mad in love? but they said, "cinta itu tidak mengenal usia" but seriously how can someone childish and immature can define what's love really is? but the more important thing is, why actually people arguing about the definition of love?
alot of stupid things, i mean really stupid, teenagers did for so called love. suicide attemption, lost virginity, and start to lying to their family. love is stupid, love is blind. no, love is not stupid. its you who's stupid because of love(if it is), its you who's blind because of love. but here we go again, true love is when you love your God, your family and your friends. love towards God is forever( if you have faith towards Him )
dear youngster, life is more than love and love is more than words. achieve something bigger than yourself, seek for the path of truth, love is not everything yet everything is about love. even its better than life of hatred, life of love may leads you to the biggest disappointment in your life. open your eyes wide as wide as you can, and you'll realize in life there's something more.. more than love. dont do something stupid just because you're mad in love (:
thats all for today, dear my non existing readers please pardon my grammar. im trying to improve here, heh. goodbye halcyon days.
if you have fall in love with someone, that's what we call love. but if your someone didnt return your love, now what we must call it? so love doesnt mean you and your partner. love is feelings glowing inside your heart. love is something you cant define with words. love is more than words.
but you, i mean you didnt even graduate your school and you admit that you're mad in love? but they said, "cinta itu tidak mengenal usia" but seriously how can someone childish and immature can define what's love really is? but the more important thing is, why actually people arguing about the definition of love?
alot of stupid things, i mean really stupid, teenagers did for so called love. suicide attemption, lost virginity, and start to lying to their family. love is stupid, love is blind. no, love is not stupid. its you who's stupid because of love(if it is), its you who's blind because of love. but here we go again, true love is when you love your God, your family and your friends. love towards God is forever( if you have faith towards Him )
dear youngster, life is more than love and love is more than words. achieve something bigger than yourself, seek for the path of truth, love is not everything yet everything is about love. even its better than life of hatred, life of love may leads you to the biggest disappointment in your life. open your eyes wide as wide as you can, and you'll realize in life there's something more.. more than love. dont do something stupid just because you're mad in love (:
thats all for today, dear my non existing readers please pardon my grammar. im trying to improve here, heh. goodbye halcyon days.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
society problem
so when things getting serious(for some), they choose to run away from it. even its not the best way, but its probably can be better for them. even people will call them as coward, atleast they will have peace. hahaha teruknya grammar aku. okay masih belajar okay. tegur boleh, kutuk boleh sebab dosa pahala bukan aku yang tentukan. cheers. so what happened on Twitter today? someone just deleted his account and i dont know the real reason, or maybe excuse. and then everyone start to talk about him and then here we go again.. remind me of a girl who deactived her account because she cant live anymore in this ugly society. yes lepas comment panasnya tentang rempit ada blackberry. but sebelum tu pun dia dah selalu kena cyber bully.
bashing and trolling or whatever you call it, had done its impact. you can say whatever you want but you dont know what on his head, what he going through. there's no such thing as "aku tau la aku pernah rasa, tapi aku relax je" because he's not you. dia adalah dia. you can make fun of him, call him what you want but in the end he's the one who feel the pain, not you. you're enjoying your life, thats what he trying to do. you're jealous of him but you wont admit it. you're annoyed with someone who never had any intention to annoy you. he's trying to live. everyone have flaws.
but what to do, apa yang dah berlaku telah berlaku. pengajarannya adalah(but i think its pretty useless since we never learn from the history, thats why its repeated) remember, your time will come.
you should know something, dont cross the line. thats all for today, my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon days.
bashing and trolling or whatever you call it, had done its impact. you can say whatever you want but you dont know what on his head, what he going through. there's no such thing as "aku tau la aku pernah rasa, tapi aku relax je" because he's not you. dia adalah dia. you can make fun of him, call him what you want but in the end he's the one who feel the pain, not you. you're enjoying your life, thats what he trying to do. you're jealous of him but you wont admit it. you're annoyed with someone who never had any intention to annoy you. he's trying to live. everyone have flaws.
but what to do, apa yang dah berlaku telah berlaku. pengajarannya adalah(but i think its pretty useless since we never learn from the history, thats why its repeated) remember, your time will come.
you should know something, dont cross the line. thats all for today, my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon days.
Monday, 5 December 2011
my first post
so this is my first post. so i would like to introduce myself. my name is non of your business to know, okay im joking. you can call me appleheads because i love apple, apple pie, apple juice, and apple product such as iPhone, iPad, and iMac but i own none. sad life, really. hey, my english is not perfect so my post will be in manglish. lol what am i thinking i even dont have any readers, yet(optimistic). i'll write anything, randomly. and yeah i dont know anything about editing blog so lets keep it simple. im not a girl and i dont know whether its related or not lol. so thats all dear my non-existing readers, goodbye halcyon days.
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