Tuesday, 6 December 2011

society problem

so when things getting serious(for some), they choose to run away from it. even its not the best way, but its probably can be better for them. even people will call them as coward, atleast they will have peace. hahaha teruknya grammar aku. okay masih belajar okay. tegur boleh, kutuk boleh sebab dosa pahala bukan aku yang tentukan. cheers. so what happened on Twitter today? someone just deleted his account and i dont know the real reason, or maybe excuse. and then everyone start to talk about him and then here we go again.. remind me of a girl who deactived her account because she cant live anymore in this ugly society. yes lepas comment panasnya tentang rempit ada blackberry. but sebelum tu pun dia dah selalu kena cyber bully.

bashing and trolling or whatever you call it, had done its impact. you can say whatever you want but you dont know what on his head, what he going through. there's no such thing as "aku tau la aku pernah rasa, tapi aku relax je" because he's not you. dia adalah dia. you can make fun of him, call him what you want but in the end he's the one who feel the pain, not you. you're enjoying your life, thats what he trying to do. you're jealous of him but you wont admit it. you're annoyed with someone who never had any intention to annoy you. he's trying to live. everyone have flaws.

but what to do, apa yang dah berlaku telah berlaku. pengajarannya adalah(but i think its pretty useless since we never learn from the history, thats why its repeated) remember, your time will come.
you should know something, dont cross the line. thats all for today, my non existing readers. goodbye halcyon days.

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