Sunday, 29 January 2012
move on
this gonna be a short post. i give up on you. ill try to move on. oh well, talk is cheap. may memories fade into the silence.
"hijab. hijab refers to both the head covering tradionally worn by muslim women and modest muslim styles of dress in general. most islamic legal systems define this type of modest dressing as covering everything except the face and hands in public. the words for a headscarf or veil used in the Qur'an are khimār (خمار) and jilbaab (جلباب), not hijab." - wiki
post kali ini adalah tentang hijab, atau dengan lebih tepat lagi; hijabi(saya tidak pasti adakah ini gelaran yang diberikan kepada mereka yang memakai hijab). pertama sekali, apakah relevan label ini diberi kepada wanita muslim yang memakai hijab? relevannya gelaran ini adalah kerana cara pemakaiannya. namun apa yang saya lihat kini, gelaran ini digunakan untuk membezakan atau mengasingkan antara dua kaum muslimat iaitu di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi(merujuk kepada mereka yang tidak memakai hijab)
"O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women of the muminun to draw their outer garments closely round themselves. This makes it more likely that they will be recognised and not be harmed. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." - terjemahan Aisha Bewley
motif? di sini adalah penerangan yang seterusnya bagi menyeru kaum wanita muslim bagi menutup aurat mereka dan tiada perkataan hijab sebaliknya jilbaab.(jalabeebihinna). relevan? relevannya di sini adalah masih tiada perbandingan yang patut dibuat di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi sedangkan dalam kitab suci al-quran tiada menyebut perkataan hijab itu sendiri dan sedarkah kamu hijab itu adalah pakaian tradisional yang dipakai oleh kaum wanita muslimin(bermula di arab)?
secara asasnya, andai kaum wanita muslim memakai hijab; mereka telah menunaikan apa yang telah tertulis di dalam surah an-nur ayat 31 dan surah al-ahzab ayat 59. tidak lebih daripada itu. jadi mengapa seperti wujud satu jarak di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi(jarak yang dimaksudkan adalah pandangan dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap dua golongan ini) sedangkan seharusnya tidak wujud jarak itu?
persepsi masyarakat kini; pakai tudung itu baik. tak pakai tudung itu tidak. ataupun. perempuan yang bertudung tidak semestinya baik tetapi perempuan baik semestinya bertudung. deuce. petikan kata-kata ustaz azhar idrus yang berbunyi "pakai tudung itu tidak wajib, tutup aurat wajib" merujuk kepada apa yang telah tersebut dalam surah di atas. tidak selayaknya saya menafsir apa yang dimaksudkan dengan menutup aurat itu tetapi mengikut logik akal dan pemahaman ayat dalam surah tersebut; meliputi dada hingga ke paras terbawah (atau mengikut kebanyakan tafsiran merujuk kepada -kecuali muka dan tapak tangan-)
motif? masih tiada relevannya perbandingan di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi kerana mereka sekadar menunaikan salah satu suruhan Allah di dalam al-quran. ketahuilah kamu terdapat banyak lagi suruhanNya yang masih kamu perlu ikut dan tiada gunanya kamu hanya menumpukan dan menjadikan seolah-olah aurat itu suruhanNya yang paling utama sekaligus melayakkan kamu dibezakan dengan mereka yang tidak menunaikan salah satu suruhanNya itu. persepsi kamu itu pada pendapat saya adalah salah. tiada niat juga untuk mengatakan hijabi atau memakai hijab itu salah. point saya di sini adalah, seharusnya tiada perbezaan dan ruang diskriminasi tercipta sekaligus mengasingkan kaum wanita muslim menjadi dua golongan(atas sebab salah satu suruhanNya iaitu menutup aurat) kerana yang membezakan kita semua adalah iman. tidak pula tersebut dalam al-quran bahawa dengan menutup aurat(atau dalam kes ini, berhijab) dapat menjadikan iman kita lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang tidak?
sekian pendapat saya tentang hijabi atau hijab atau apa apa je la yang kamu panggil. assalammualaikum.
post kali ini adalah tentang hijab, atau dengan lebih tepat lagi; hijabi(saya tidak pasti adakah ini gelaran yang diberikan kepada mereka yang memakai hijab). pertama sekali, apakah relevan label ini diberi kepada wanita muslim yang memakai hijab? relevannya gelaran ini adalah kerana cara pemakaiannya. namun apa yang saya lihat kini, gelaran ini digunakan untuk membezakan atau mengasingkan antara dua kaum muslimat iaitu di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi(merujuk kepada mereka yang tidak memakai hijab)
[24:31] And enjoin believing women to cast down their looks and guard their private parts and not reveal their adornment except that which is revealed of itself, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their husbands, or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or of their own sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or the women with whom they associate, or those that are in their bondage, or the male attendants in their service free of sexual interest, or boys that are yet unaware of illicit matters pertaining to women. Nor should they stamp their feet on the ground in such manner that their hidden ornament becomes revealed. Believers, turn together, all of you, to Allah in repentance that you may attain true success.motif? untuk menunjukkan bahawasanya perbezaan antara hijabi dan yang bukan hijabi tidak patut ada sedangkan para hijabi itu sekadar menunaikan(atas apa mereka rasa patut) salah satu suruhan yang termaktub di dalam al-quran.
Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyu qul liazwajika wabanatika wanisai almumineena yudneena AAalayhinna min jalabeebihinna thalika adna an yuAArafna fala yuthayna wakana Allahu ghafooran raheeman - [33:59]
"O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women of the muminun to draw their outer garments closely round themselves. This makes it more likely that they will be recognised and not be harmed. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." - terjemahan Aisha Bewley
motif? di sini adalah penerangan yang seterusnya bagi menyeru kaum wanita muslim bagi menutup aurat mereka dan tiada perkataan hijab sebaliknya jilbaab.(jalabeebihinna). relevan? relevannya di sini adalah masih tiada perbandingan yang patut dibuat di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi sedangkan dalam kitab suci al-quran tiada menyebut perkataan hijab itu sendiri dan sedarkah kamu hijab itu adalah pakaian tradisional yang dipakai oleh kaum wanita muslimin(bermula di arab)?
secara asasnya, andai kaum wanita muslim memakai hijab; mereka telah menunaikan apa yang telah tertulis di dalam surah an-nur ayat 31 dan surah al-ahzab ayat 59. tidak lebih daripada itu. jadi mengapa seperti wujud satu jarak di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi(jarak yang dimaksudkan adalah pandangan dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap dua golongan ini) sedangkan seharusnya tidak wujud jarak itu?
persepsi masyarakat kini; pakai tudung itu baik. tak pakai tudung itu tidak. ataupun. perempuan yang bertudung tidak semestinya baik tetapi perempuan baik semestinya bertudung. deuce. petikan kata-kata ustaz azhar idrus yang berbunyi "pakai tudung itu tidak wajib, tutup aurat wajib" merujuk kepada apa yang telah tersebut dalam surah di atas. tidak selayaknya saya menafsir apa yang dimaksudkan dengan menutup aurat itu tetapi mengikut logik akal dan pemahaman ayat dalam surah tersebut; meliputi dada hingga ke paras terbawah (atau mengikut kebanyakan tafsiran merujuk kepada -kecuali muka dan tapak tangan-)
motif? masih tiada relevannya perbandingan di antara hijabi dan non-hijabi kerana mereka sekadar menunaikan salah satu suruhan Allah di dalam al-quran. ketahuilah kamu terdapat banyak lagi suruhanNya yang masih kamu perlu ikut dan tiada gunanya kamu hanya menumpukan dan menjadikan seolah-olah aurat itu suruhanNya yang paling utama sekaligus melayakkan kamu dibezakan dengan mereka yang tidak menunaikan salah satu suruhanNya itu. persepsi kamu itu pada pendapat saya adalah salah. tiada niat juga untuk mengatakan hijabi atau memakai hijab itu salah. point saya di sini adalah, seharusnya tiada perbezaan dan ruang diskriminasi tercipta sekaligus mengasingkan kaum wanita muslim menjadi dua golongan(atas sebab salah satu suruhanNya iaitu menutup aurat) kerana yang membezakan kita semua adalah iman. tidak pula tersebut dalam al-quran bahawa dengan menutup aurat(atau dalam kes ini, berhijab) dapat menjadikan iman kita lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang tidak?
sekian pendapat saya tentang hijabi atau hijab atau apa apa je la yang kamu panggil. assalammualaikum.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
insecurities. "insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego"
nowadays, there are lotsa girls claim they feel insecure with themselves.but some of the reason for their insecurities is ridiculously unacceptable or in other words; nonsense. lacking self confidence which is still acceptable than stupid reasons given such as "no one says im beautiful". r u kidding me. men. boys. theyre the main reason why those girls feel insecure with themselves at the first place amirite?
insecurities. "as two people with the same capabilities may have entirely different levels of insecurity" i think its necessary to provide common sense in feeling insecure rather than insecure for nothing. why? why would you feel insecure? and what actually you did to prevent those insecurities feeling? no? nothing? "i feel insecure when i look at kendall jenner" pfdhgfiugyfh i cant brain this.
insecurities. "insecurity may help to cause shyness, paranoia and social withdrawal, or alternatively it may encourage compensatory behaviors such as arrogance, aggression, or bullying, in some cases" read and understand. whats the consequences for being insecure; for nothing or something or overload insecurities. how to prevent or atleast reduce it? first, learn to stop giving a damn. second, dont give a fuck. third, be yourself. fourth, for god sake stop comparing yourself to celebs or "flawless" beautiful girls.
insecurities in relationship. read this qurl .
and thats all for today about insecurities from me, and this is merely a review. nothing more. enjoy reading. oh well, like i have readers... or even a reader.. i feel insecure with those famous bloggers. bye.
nowadays, there are lotsa girls claim they feel insecure with themselves.but some of the reason for their insecurities is ridiculously unacceptable or in other words; nonsense. lacking self confidence which is still acceptable than stupid reasons given such as "no one says im beautiful". r u kidding me. men. boys. theyre the main reason why those girls feel insecure with themselves at the first place amirite?
insecurities. "as two people with the same capabilities may have entirely different levels of insecurity" i think its necessary to provide common sense in feeling insecure rather than insecure for nothing. why? why would you feel insecure? and what actually you did to prevent those insecurities feeling? no? nothing? "i feel insecure when i look at kendall jenner" pfdhgfiugyfh i cant brain this.
insecurities. "insecurity may help to cause shyness, paranoia and social withdrawal, or alternatively it may encourage compensatory behaviors such as arrogance, aggression, or bullying, in some cases" read and understand. whats the consequences for being insecure; for nothing or something or overload insecurities. how to prevent or atleast reduce it? first, learn to stop giving a damn. second, dont give a fuck. third, be yourself. fourth, for god sake stop comparing yourself to celebs or "flawless" beautiful girls.
insecurities in relationship. read this qurl .
and thats all for today about insecurities from me, and this is merely a review. nothing more. enjoy reading. oh well, like i have readers... or even a reader.. i feel insecure with those famous bloggers. bye.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
twitter. i think twitter is the most popular social network sites nowadays. or maybe not. well, facebook is still popular. the point is, twitter is most useful sites. to spread ideas. to spread stupidity. and some use it to spread religion. whats your main purpose on creating an account on twitter?
self expression. i think this is the most popular reason. they said twitter used to express themselves. whether youre in love or heartbroken. or youre just not in the mood. or youre hungry. feelings. you can express it on twitter. in other words, micro diary.
to impress. well, when you gain followers, i think there will be an urge to gain more. by impress your followers, your tweet would be retweeted and you will gain more followers. to impress people, to prove youre smart or you have awesome tweets. to prove youre a romantic. or to prove youre something worth it in this society.
sharing ideas. if youre a thinker, you would use twitter to share your thought and discuss ideas. why? because twitter is the largest community with instant update all around the world. twitter is the newest newspaper. and the fastest medium to spread the news, too. so when there are thinkers in twitter, you can share your thought with them, and ideas to be perceived.
for fun. or you just can tweet for fun. randomly tweet about anything without limits and certain topic. you use twitter to release your tension. tweet about almost anything but not everything. no certain vision intended.
so, regardless your main reason to tweet, dont take it seriously. because its just a tweet. its just twitter. and this is just my honest opinion. bye bye bye.
self expression. i think this is the most popular reason. they said twitter used to express themselves. whether youre in love or heartbroken. or youre just not in the mood. or youre hungry. feelings. you can express it on twitter. in other words, micro diary.
to impress. well, when you gain followers, i think there will be an urge to gain more. by impress your followers, your tweet would be retweeted and you will gain more followers. to impress people, to prove youre smart or you have awesome tweets. to prove youre a romantic. or to prove youre something worth it in this society.
sharing ideas. if youre a thinker, you would use twitter to share your thought and discuss ideas. why? because twitter is the largest community with instant update all around the world. twitter is the newest newspaper. and the fastest medium to spread the news, too. so when there are thinkers in twitter, you can share your thought with them, and ideas to be perceived.
for fun. or you just can tweet for fun. randomly tweet about anything without limits and certain topic. you use twitter to release your tension. tweet about almost anything but not everything. no certain vision intended.
so, regardless your main reason to tweet, dont take it seriously. because its just a tweet. its just twitter. and this is just my honest opinion. bye bye bye.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
freedom of speech
freedom of speech. the freedom to speak freely without censorship. everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. they said. but is true? but nowadays, lotsa people abuse the freedom of speech. or maybe they just misinterpreted the term of freedom of speech. and some of them use "freedom of speech" to insult,degrade or disrespect others.
they should realize freedom of speech is a legal rules for us to self-express or gives an opinion in a proper way. and the most important thing is, to aware thats just their opinions and not facts. well, since its an opinion and not a fact, others have the right to disagree about it. and you cant expect to voice out your opinion without been disagreed by others. and yeah since its only an opinion, you should not take it too seriously unless your intention is to develop that opinion to idea.
to differentiate between opinion and fact is a must. and to make things clear, make sure you open your mind before you speak your mind. an opinion from shallow mindset gonna be invalid, clearly. and to aware your opinion sometimes is wrong and you should accept when theres someone correct your mistakes. freedom of speech also used for discussing ideas. and religion shouldnt be included in most cases. why? because theres no opinion when it comes to religion. unless its a bida'ah.
validity. validity of an opinion depends on the statement, not the person. regardless status of the person who voice out the opinion, as long its valid its gonna be still valid. as an example, when a girl whos not covering her hair talks about religion, as long its a fact then it gonna be a fact. you cant go all "dont you have a mirror? youre not covering your hair and you want to talk about religion?" thats an example of shallow mindset. to be precise, stupidity.
consequences. before you voice out your opinion, make sure you know the consequences of it. thats why i said, dont abuse the right to speak, freedom of speech. and thats all. reached my limit of ideas. hehe. see you later oh my non existing readers.
they should realize freedom of speech is a legal rules for us to self-express or gives an opinion in a proper way. and the most important thing is, to aware thats just their opinions and not facts. well, since its an opinion and not a fact, others have the right to disagree about it. and you cant expect to voice out your opinion without been disagreed by others. and yeah since its only an opinion, you should not take it too seriously unless your intention is to develop that opinion to idea.
to differentiate between opinion and fact is a must. and to make things clear, make sure you open your mind before you speak your mind. an opinion from shallow mindset gonna be invalid, clearly. and to aware your opinion sometimes is wrong and you should accept when theres someone correct your mistakes. freedom of speech also used for discussing ideas. and religion shouldnt be included in most cases. why? because theres no opinion when it comes to religion. unless its a bida'ah.
validity. validity of an opinion depends on the statement, not the person. regardless status of the person who voice out the opinion, as long its valid its gonna be still valid. as an example, when a girl whos not covering her hair talks about religion, as long its a fact then it gonna be a fact. you cant go all "dont you have a mirror? youre not covering your hair and you want to talk about religion?" thats an example of shallow mindset. to be precise, stupidity.
consequences. before you voice out your opinion, make sure you know the consequences of it. thats why i said, dont abuse the right to speak, freedom of speech. and thats all. reached my limit of ideas. hehe. see you later oh my non existing readers.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
piece of words
so tell me whats love again, and whats not. between these two, lies the foolish act of certain people. they think they have fall in love, but sometimes its just stupidity. they wasted their precious time and showed unnecessary feelings to wrong people. sometimes its just a desire of lust, or its just a desire. a desire to own.
people come and people go. feelings too. i used to think i love someone, until that feelings slowly vanish away. its just the matter of time. but hey, i think ill love someone as long as i can. not forever, not always. just as long as i can. to move on, easy to be said and really hard to be done. look up to the dark skies last night, and i realized there are no more bright stars. can i accept that fact? no. theres no more moonlight. just light made by human. manlight.
ive much things to say, and to write. but i had my time. and now time to forget things, and start to live in real world. and accept the reality. this is not a fairytale. this is the world where god decide whats our fate. this is the land of between sanity and what not. where you could be optimistic or pessimistic, or you just be realistic. just a reminder to you and i, dont give up before you even starts.
i wish i could stay, but this is not a dream,
lets keep it this way, because silence is the loudest scream.
people come and people go. feelings too. i used to think i love someone, until that feelings slowly vanish away. its just the matter of time. but hey, i think ill love someone as long as i can. not forever, not always. just as long as i can. to move on, easy to be said and really hard to be done. look up to the dark skies last night, and i realized there are no more bright stars. can i accept that fact? no. theres no more moonlight. just light made by human. manlight.
ive much things to say, and to write. but i had my time. and now time to forget things, and start to live in real world. and accept the reality. this is not a fairytale. this is the world where god decide whats our fate. this is the land of between sanity and what not. where you could be optimistic or pessimistic, or you just be realistic. just a reminder to you and i, dont give up before you even starts.
i wish i could stay, but this is not a dream,
lets keep it this way, because silence is the loudest scream.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
purpose of life
whats the purpose of life. whats the purpose of every single air i breathe in. whats the purpose of me to keep living. a life. - my first question on 2012
lalu aku berasa hairan dengan kehidupanku sendiri. aku tertanya-tanya apakah yang ku kejar selama ini. apa yang ingin aku capai selama ini. kita dilahirkan dengan harapan dapat memenuhi harapan ibu bapa yang mungkin harapan mereka itu tak tercapai dahulu. dibesarkan dengan ekspetasi yang tak berkesudahan. tekanan menyelimuti perjalanan sepanjang tempoh pembesaran. minda kita disemai dengan konsep kemasyarakatan yang jitu. dilahirkan. dibesarkan. jadi manusia yang berguna. jalani kehidupan yang senang lenang. mati.
kebelakangan ini aku selalu terfikir. kehidupan jenis apa yang ingin aku jalani. untuk apa aku dibesarkan. untuk apa aku dilahirkan. fikir kembali, aku dilahirkan bukannya atas niat untuk memenuhi ekspetasi. aku dilahirkan atas dasar cinta kedua ibu bapaku. adakah mereka telah menyemai harapan itu sejak azali? tidak. mereka membesarkan aku seikhlas hati. tak hendak memberi budi. itu tanggungjawab. kasih sayang. setelah aku dewasa, harus aku untuk mencurahkan kasih sayang semula terhadap mereka. bukan makan budi, tapi atas dasar kasih sayang.
kembali kepada persoalanku selama ini. di dalam agamaku tiada menyebut kita harus menjalani kehidupan seperti yang ditetapkan dalam sistem kemasyarakatan. itu semua buatan manusia. namun amal duniawi dan akhirat harus seimbang. manusia menggunakan konsep seimbang itu, mencipta sistem mereka sendiri, membahagi-bahagikan pangkat dan jawatan, memaksa kami mengikutinya. berkasta, dan kami pula membanting tulang yang empat kerat untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem ini. diterapkan dengan fikiran "hendak jadi manusia jenis apa kamu kalau ini tak mahu itu tak mahu?" ibu bapa membesarkan anak mereka.
namun aku juga dibesarkan dengan suasana yang sama. dulu ibuku pernah bertanya, bila dewasa hendak jadi apa. aku sebut satu persatu karier yang ku tahu. aku hendak bina rumah agam untuk ibuku. aku hendak itu dan ini. semuanya kehendak ku sendiri. hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih. kini aku tak hendak semua itu. ataupun tidak mampu. lalu aku berdalih dengan post yang sebegini. itu terpulang kepada kamu untuk menilainya. aku terfikir. belajar tinggi-tinggi. dapat karier yang bagus. balas jasa ibu bapa. berkeluarga. besarkan anak dengan konsep yang sama. kitaran semula jadi yang diulang sampai kiamat.
aku tak suka akan kebiasaan. aku tak mahu itu dan ini. aku tak mudah dipengaruhi. namun itu semua kata aku. cakap tak serupa bikin. apa orang buat aku pun mahu. mereka suka itu aku pun nak suka. beralas hendak menyesuaikan diri. supaya mereka tidak lihat aku lari dari norma masyarakat. aku ikut rentak mereka, namun tak semua. aku mudah lupa diri. aku mudah lalai. namun aku juga mudah berubah. hakikatnya aku tidak pernah berubah. aku masih begini, cuma menyesuaikan diri mengikut situasi. aku hanya manusia. itu semua alasan, aku tahu.
kini aku dalam dilema. sama ada hendak mengikut rentak seperti selalu, ataupun menjadi diri sendiri. aku tak mahu sambung pelajaranku semata-mata untuk menjamin masa hadapanku. masa hadapanku bukannya ditentukan oleh segulung ijazah. apa guna ijazah. ijazah duniawi untuk perihal duniawi semuanya duniawi. norma masyarakat yang sungguh duniawi. aku hendak mencari kebenaran. apa dia tujuan hidupku. selain daripada menyembah tuhanku. apa dia tujuan hidupku. selain menari ikut rentakmu. apa dia tujuan hidupku. selain daripada lahir untuk mati. aku mahu semua persoalan yang bermain di fikiranku terjawab. aku hendak cari kebenaran. mungkin kamu sedang senyum sinis ketika membaca bahagian ini(okay i know no one reading this....) tetapi itulah kehendakku. semoga aku tidak tersimpang dari jalan yang mereka tetapkan sebagai kitab kehidupan.
lalu aku berasa hairan dengan kehidupanku sendiri. aku tertanya-tanya apakah yang ku kejar selama ini. apa yang ingin aku capai selama ini. kita dilahirkan dengan harapan dapat memenuhi harapan ibu bapa yang mungkin harapan mereka itu tak tercapai dahulu. dibesarkan dengan ekspetasi yang tak berkesudahan. tekanan menyelimuti perjalanan sepanjang tempoh pembesaran. minda kita disemai dengan konsep kemasyarakatan yang jitu. dilahirkan. dibesarkan. jadi manusia yang berguna. jalani kehidupan yang senang lenang. mati.
kebelakangan ini aku selalu terfikir. kehidupan jenis apa yang ingin aku jalani. untuk apa aku dibesarkan. untuk apa aku dilahirkan. fikir kembali, aku dilahirkan bukannya atas niat untuk memenuhi ekspetasi. aku dilahirkan atas dasar cinta kedua ibu bapaku. adakah mereka telah menyemai harapan itu sejak azali? tidak. mereka membesarkan aku seikhlas hati. tak hendak memberi budi. itu tanggungjawab. kasih sayang. setelah aku dewasa, harus aku untuk mencurahkan kasih sayang semula terhadap mereka. bukan makan budi, tapi atas dasar kasih sayang.
kembali kepada persoalanku selama ini. di dalam agamaku tiada menyebut kita harus menjalani kehidupan seperti yang ditetapkan dalam sistem kemasyarakatan. itu semua buatan manusia. namun amal duniawi dan akhirat harus seimbang. manusia menggunakan konsep seimbang itu, mencipta sistem mereka sendiri, membahagi-bahagikan pangkat dan jawatan, memaksa kami mengikutinya. berkasta, dan kami pula membanting tulang yang empat kerat untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem ini. diterapkan dengan fikiran "hendak jadi manusia jenis apa kamu kalau ini tak mahu itu tak mahu?" ibu bapa membesarkan anak mereka.
namun aku juga dibesarkan dengan suasana yang sama. dulu ibuku pernah bertanya, bila dewasa hendak jadi apa. aku sebut satu persatu karier yang ku tahu. aku hendak bina rumah agam untuk ibuku. aku hendak itu dan ini. semuanya kehendak ku sendiri. hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih. kini aku tak hendak semua itu. ataupun tidak mampu. lalu aku berdalih dengan post yang sebegini. itu terpulang kepada kamu untuk menilainya. aku terfikir. belajar tinggi-tinggi. dapat karier yang bagus. balas jasa ibu bapa. berkeluarga. besarkan anak dengan konsep yang sama. kitaran semula jadi yang diulang sampai kiamat.
aku tak suka akan kebiasaan. aku tak mahu itu dan ini. aku tak mudah dipengaruhi. namun itu semua kata aku. cakap tak serupa bikin. apa orang buat aku pun mahu. mereka suka itu aku pun nak suka. beralas hendak menyesuaikan diri. supaya mereka tidak lihat aku lari dari norma masyarakat. aku ikut rentak mereka, namun tak semua. aku mudah lupa diri. aku mudah lalai. namun aku juga mudah berubah. hakikatnya aku tidak pernah berubah. aku masih begini, cuma menyesuaikan diri mengikut situasi. aku hanya manusia. itu semua alasan, aku tahu.
kini aku dalam dilema. sama ada hendak mengikut rentak seperti selalu, ataupun menjadi diri sendiri. aku tak mahu sambung pelajaranku semata-mata untuk menjamin masa hadapanku. masa hadapanku bukannya ditentukan oleh segulung ijazah. apa guna ijazah. ijazah duniawi untuk perihal duniawi semuanya duniawi. norma masyarakat yang sungguh duniawi. aku hendak mencari kebenaran. apa dia tujuan hidupku. selain daripada menyembah tuhanku. apa dia tujuan hidupku. selain menari ikut rentakmu. apa dia tujuan hidupku. selain daripada lahir untuk mati. aku mahu semua persoalan yang bermain di fikiranku terjawab. aku hendak cari kebenaran. mungkin kamu sedang senyum sinis ketika membaca bahagian ini(okay i know no one reading this....) tetapi itulah kehendakku. semoga aku tidak tersimpang dari jalan yang mereka tetapkan sebagai kitab kehidupan.
Monday, 9 January 2012
the end
this is the end. i cant handle any disappointment again. need to stop expecting. need to stop loving(someone who never appreciate) yes yes yes i love to make my own assumption. an assumption is such a relief. im one ungrateful creature. i rather choose to love someone whos never notice my existence, never appreciate my efforts, or we really werent meant to be. no. yes. no. maybe. possibility of infinity. im a guy so i wont cry and i lied. im selfish and im selfish.
as i realized some of my friends is using me, again and again disappointment strikes. some of them choose to judge me before i did anything. sometimes i just want you to shut up and start to listen. listens to my deepest inquisitions. oh thats a lyric. no one care. no one give a damn. and there's me with countless damn given. too much. too.
hello A, i dont want you to get yourself hurts. dont be with him. just dont. you'll end up disappointed, just like me. just. like. me. how could this happen to me, and how would it happen to you. its just the matter of time and you'll realize. you will, someday. youre too young to understand, maybe. or its just your fragile heart. your fragile. heart. even we just know each other for a while, but i appreciate you as friend.
hello friends. hello friends with benefits. im your friend with benefits right? right? i knew it. i just knew. yes its just another assumption from me. but if its the truth, i wont mind. its mind over matter. its me didnt mind and you does matter.
so, whats next. nothing much. im waiting. whats my next regret. whats my next disappointment. call me pathetic, because deep inside yes i am. who worth my tears? who worth my worries? who worth my love? and who worth me? or am i that worth it? i just dont know. maybe youre not the one for me. and yes god has a better plan for me. its up to me to be and stay strong in my own beliefs. god, bless me. god, bless me please. god, oh i just knew it wont help if i pray to god here. i just need to stand up from this chair. stop typing. and start doing. goodbye halcyon day.
as i realized some of my friends is using me, again and again disappointment strikes. some of them choose to judge me before i did anything. sometimes i just want you to shut up and start to listen. listens to my deepest inquisitions. oh thats a lyric. no one care. no one give a damn. and there's me with countless damn given. too much. too.
hello A, i dont want you to get yourself hurts. dont be with him. just dont. you'll end up disappointed, just like me. just. like. me. how could this happen to me, and how would it happen to you. its just the matter of time and you'll realize. you will, someday. youre too young to understand, maybe. or its just your fragile heart. your fragile. heart. even we just know each other for a while, but i appreciate you as friend.
hello friends. hello friends with benefits. im your friend with benefits right? right? i knew it. i just knew. yes its just another assumption from me. but if its the truth, i wont mind. its mind over matter. its me didnt mind and you does matter.
so, whats next. nothing much. im waiting. whats my next regret. whats my next disappointment. call me pathetic, because deep inside yes i am. who worth my tears? who worth my worries? who worth my love? and who worth me? or am i that worth it? i just dont know. maybe youre not the one for me. and yes god has a better plan for me. its up to me to be and stay strong in my own beliefs. god, bless me. god, bless me please. god, oh i just knew it wont help if i pray to god here. i just need to stand up from this chair. stop typing. and start doing. goodbye halcyon day.
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