Saturday, 28 January 2012


insecurities. "insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego"

nowadays, there are lotsa girls claim they feel insecure with themselves.but some of the reason for their insecurities is ridiculously unacceptable or in other words; nonsense. lacking self confidence which is still acceptable than stupid reasons given such as "no one says im beautiful". r u kidding me. men. boys. theyre the main reason why those girls feel insecure with themselves at the first place amirite?

insecurities. "as two people with the same capabilities may have entirely different levels of insecurity" i think its necessary to provide common sense in feeling insecure rather than insecure for nothing. why? why would you feel insecure? and what actually you did to prevent those insecurities feeling? no? nothing? "i feel insecure when i look at kendall jenner" pfdhgfiugyfh i cant brain this.

insecurities. "insecurity may help to cause shyness, paranoia and social withdrawal, or alternatively it may encourage compensatory behaviors such as arrogance, aggression, or bullying, in some cases" read and understand. whats the consequences for being insecure; for nothing or something or overload insecurities. how to prevent or atleast reduce it? first, learn to stop giving a damn. second, dont give a fuck. third, be yourself. fourth, for god sake stop comparing yourself to celebs or "flawless" beautiful girls.

insecurities in relationship. read this qurl .

and thats all for today about insecurities from me, and this is merely a review. nothing more. enjoy reading. oh well, like i have readers... or even a reader.. i feel insecure with those famous bloggers. bye.

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