freedom of speech. the freedom to speak freely without censorship. everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. they said. but is true? but nowadays, lotsa people abuse the freedom of speech. or maybe they just misinterpreted the term of freedom of speech. and some of them use "freedom of speech" to insult,degrade or disrespect others.
they should realize freedom of speech is a legal rules for us to self-express or gives an opinion in a proper way. and the most important thing is, to aware thats just their opinions and not facts. well, since its an opinion and not a fact, others have the right to disagree about it. and you cant expect to voice out your opinion without been disagreed by others. and yeah since its only an opinion, you should not take it too seriously unless your intention is to develop that opinion to idea.
to differentiate between opinion and fact is a must. and to make things clear, make sure you open your mind before you speak your mind. an opinion from shallow mindset gonna be invalid, clearly. and to aware your opinion sometimes is wrong and you should accept when theres someone correct your mistakes. freedom of speech also used for discussing ideas. and religion shouldnt be included in most cases. why? because theres no opinion when it comes to religion. unless its a bida'ah.
validity. validity of an opinion depends on the statement, not the person. regardless status of the person who voice out the opinion, as long its valid its gonna be still valid. as an example, when a girl whos not covering her hair talks about religion, as long its a fact then it gonna be a fact. you cant go all "dont you have a mirror? youre not covering your hair and you want to talk about religion?" thats an example of shallow mindset. to be precise, stupidity.
consequences. before you voice out your opinion, make sure you know the consequences of it. thats why i said, dont abuse the right to speak, freedom of speech. and thats all. reached my limit of ideas. hehe. see you later oh my non existing readers.
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